Quick usage of khloraa scaffolding python package#

Here we will run and explore the results step by step.

You must run the commands at the location khloraa_scaffolding/tests/docs.

Configure a virtual environment#

You can use .venv_39 to run this Jupyter notebook.

python3.9 -m pip install virtualenv
python3.9 -m virtualenv .venv_39
source ./.venv_39/bin/activate

pip3.9 install khloraascaf

Run khloraascaf#

In this section we will run khloraascaf.

Use khloraascaf function#

# Path utilities from standard library
from pathlib import Path
# The main scaffolding function from khloraascaf
from khloraascaf import scaffolding, ScaffoldingError, SOLVER_CBC
# Prepare the scaffolding result directory
outdir = Path('scaffolding_result')
# Compute the scaffolding using the assembly data
    outdir_gen = scaffolding(
except ScaffoldingError as exc:
    # Even in case of exception, we can retrieve the path
    # of the uniquely named output directory
    print(f'[ERROR] generated directory {exc.outdir_gen()}')
# khloraascaf creates a directory with unique name
#   to put all the files it has created
assert outdir_gen in outdir.glob('*')
print(f'Uniquely named directory: {outdir_gen}')

Retrieve the input / output configuration of your run#

Thanks to the IOConfig class you can easily retrieve the arguments and the options used to run khloraa_scaffolding.

from khloraascaf import IOConfig

io_cfg = IOConfig.from_run_directory(outdir_gen)

print('Arguments used:')
print(f'* Contig attributes file: {io_cfg.contig_attrs()}')
print(f'* Contig links file: {io_cfg.contig_links()}')
print(f'* Contig starter: {io_cfg.contig_starter()}')
print('Options used:')
print(f'* Solver: {io_cfg.solver()}')
print(f'* Output directory: {io_cfg.outdir()}')
print(f'* Instance name: {io_cfg.instance_name()}')
# And other that are more for combinatorial and technical issues ...

Dive into the results#

In this section we will see how to manipulate the result and first know what has been produced.

Explore the produced files with the solutions metadata class#

from khloraascaf import MetadataAllSolutions
# Use metadata class to easily dive into the results
# (you can also see by hand the solutions.yaml file that has been produced)
all_solutions_metadata = MetadataAllSolutions.from_run_directory(outdir_gen)
# * How many solutions the scaffolding has produced?
print(f'Number of solutions: {len(all_solutions_metadata)}')
# Let's pick the solution
sol_metadata = tuple(all_solutions_metadata)[0]
# What is the problem succession that has built this solution?
print('Problem succession:')
for ilp_code in sol_metadata.ilp_combination():
    print(f'* {ilp_code}')
# See which files the scaffolding has produced:
print(f'Files in {outdir_gen}:')
for file in outdir_gen.glob('*'):
    print(f'* {file.relative_to(outdir_gen)}')
# The metadata classes give the path of the produced file 
# relatively to the YAML file path
print('The list of oriented contigs for each region')
print(f'* {sol_metadata.contigs_of_regions()}')
print('The list of oriented regions')
print(f'* {sol_metadata.map_of_regions()}')
# The YAML files
    'YAML file containing all the arguments and options you used'
    ' to run khloraascaf',
print(f'* {IOConfig.YAML_FILE}')
print('YAML file that contains metadata on the solutions')
print(f'* {MetadataAllSolutions.YAML_FILE}')

Explore the multimeric forms of the chloroplast#

The solution we get represents one order of the oriented contigs. But it is known that chloroplast genomes can possess multimeric forms, especially due to inverted repeats.

Here the solution was produced from the combination of the \(\mathcal{IRP}\) and \(\mathcal{SCP}\) problems. This means that the solution represents a genome architecture with inverted repeats (IR) and single-copy regions (SC).

Let’s explore the multimeric forms thanks to the graph of regions.

from khloraascaf import AssemblyGraph
# Use the previous solution metadata object: easy!
asm_graph = AssemblyGraph.from_solution_metadata(sol_metadata)
# Get all the regions configuration
multimeric_forms = list(asm_graph.all_region_paths())
# Let explore them (with a bit of string formatting)
from khloraascaf import ORIENT_INT_STR
print(f'Number of multimeric forms: {len(multimeric_forms)}')
for region_path in multimeric_forms:
    string_orreg_order = ''
    for region_ind, region_or in region_path:
        string_orreg_order += f' {region_ind} {ORIENT_INT_STR[region_or]}'
    print(f'* {string_orreg_order}')

Each number corresponds to a region identifier, and it is followed by a sign (+ or -) that gives the orientation of the region.

We obtain two multimeric forms. They differ with the region 2: in one of the form, the region 2 is in reverse orientation (2 -) comparing to the other (2 +). This is due to the presence of an inverted repeat, here the region 1.

For each multimeric form (corresponding to an oriented region order), we can obtain the corresponding oriented contig order:

for region_path in multimeric_forms:
    string_orc_order = ''
    for c_id, c_or in asm_graph.region_path_to_oriented_contigs(region_path):
        string_orc_order += f' {c_id} {ORIENT_INT_STR[c_or]}'
    print(f'* {string_orc_order}')

Already here we observe the inversion of the region 2, that is composed of contig C4.

If you want to write the multimeric forms in a file, you can:

from khloraascaf import (
    write_region_paths, fmt_region_paths_filename, 
    write_oriented_contig_paths, fmt_oriented_contig_paths_filename,
# Write the orders of oriented regions in a file
region_orders_file = outdir_gen / fmt_region_paths_filename(
    io_cfg.instance_name(), sol_metadata.ilp_combination(),
write_region_paths(multimeric_forms, region_orders_file)
# Write the orders of oriented contigs in a file
contig_orders_file = outdir_gen / fmt_oriented_contig_paths_filename(
    io_cfg.instance_name(), sol_metadata.ilp_combination(),
# See new files
print(f'File in {outdir_gen}:')
for file in outdir_gen.glob('*'):
    print(f'* {file.relative_to(outdir_gen)}')

Cleaning the bazar#

Clean what you have done:

# Clean all
for file in outdir_gen.glob('*'):